
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Unprocessed: Meal Plan 1

Yesterday was the official first day of the October Unprocessed Challenge. Because I didn't make it to the store until after lunch, we didn't really start until dinner. But that's okay, baby steps!

Sat down yesterday and started our meal plans for the month. They'll definitely need some tweaking as we go along and get better with this whole unprocessed concept, but it's a great start. I pulled inspiration from many sources, including various Pinterest pins, 100DaysofRealFood, friends and others. If there's a recipe, it's pinned to my Pinterest board.

As I said before, we were already working toward eating cleaner at home, so I had the right baking goods, oatmeal, and some other things at home already. Made it soo much easier (and cheaper) when I went to Sprouts yesterday to stock up for the week. Interestingly, it only cost me less than $60 to get everything I needed! But we didn't need any meat or paper products, so that helps a ton. And, I bought from the bulk bins where I could, and it's soo much cheaper than buying prepackaged.

I did get a major headache at the store, though, trying to find everything I needed and reading every label for packaged stuff. I usually shop at Target, but figured I'd stay away from all the beautiful temptations this time around and focus on my list. If I couldn't find organic, I tried to at least buy local.

And the hubs is a total meateater, but didn't freak out too much at the veggie fajitas. I thought I'd wait to get meat until I can do a little research on the best kinds or get out to our farmer's market. Will be a fun outing for the toddler, too :)

Maybe this challenge isn't as crazy as it sounds after all!

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